Construction Impacts
To facilitate site access, construction and deliveries, anticipate:
Road closures, detours and traffic management.
Noise, pollution and traffic congestion.
Land take and access road widening / straightening.
Abnormal loads – turbine delivery will likely involve about 10 loads per turbine using articulated transports. In addition, expect deliveries of transformers, cranes, earth movers, dumper trucks, excavators, pile drivers, compressors /pumps, and rock breakers that will clog the surrounding roads.
Deliveries of up to 30,000 cubic meters of concrete and filler materials to site would not be unexpected
New access road construction in Dungarvan village
Temporary removal fences, lighting and telecom poles and other street furniture. lowering of boundary walls to enable turbine section deliveries.
Removal of hedges and trees along the route.
Based on the Mayo wind farm, an estimate of up to 10,000 truck movements in the area is possible.
Construction of underground connections to the grid (and potentially pylons).
Human and animal / wildlife welfare issues.